

Packaging is a process that is required when a product needs to be protective to the consumer when not damaged, so that consumers can use them in accordance with its function. Initially this is the case in the past that still does not know the products so that the protective products dijualnya be damaged, and consumers do complain, the manufacturers. At the current packaging-packaging products already on the changes, not only as protectors, but with a variety of colored image design so that interested buyers and buy it. Packaging is the process of the end of the production system, so that it can not be considered unimportant because packaging is the image that represented the product to market segmentation and product identity. The process of packaging these changes is that the process is very advanced, this process has been run without a human, so that the process of Robotic is the answer. Manpower which is slowly replaced by machines, which already notabene precise, consistent, and do not know tired, so very good use in the production of food and drink, which is very hygenis. All industries at the moment is to use technology in the packaging machine, but still have the manpower to use for various reasons, the technology used for packaging are as sophisticated movements of man who was changed into a mechanical movement using Pneumatic, and of course combined with the use of the conveyor belt is no longer wear the chain but to become a supporting belt system. This is already widely used in the food industry and beverages, while non-food products are still a little use, this is because the food products already in mass produc extent where in a matter of minutes have produced thousands of products.

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